Sunday, December 03, 2006

Books ain't going away

Book sales are climbing, despite the advance of online publsihing. Well so they say. I don't personally buy as many books. When I was in my 20s I used to buy 2-3 a week, and 3-5 magazines. Now I buy books in binges, for gifts (even for myself) about every 3-6 months. I've cut back about 70-80%. And magazines are down to 3-5 every 3 months. Now I'm no longer single, I have kids and I'm in my late 40s, so things are different. I've changed, and so have my habits. It's not just the Internet that has changed my ways, but it's a factor. I also don't send much mail. Most - almost all - of my writing is electronic and well, the computer is king. If I could carry the computer around as easily as the printed word then I think I'd just about stop buying books - except as gifts, I guess. I need the functionality of the book, not the book per se.

However I do treasure old books,and am loathe to let go of any of the thousand or so we have around the house. A really nice hardcover looks and feels right, and old tomes can be enjoyed in the hand in a way that the screen can't match. On the other hand when I want to read I do prefer to read online. Call me strange but the ability to call up references online, to cut and paste quotes, to add comments and to change font sizes at a whim are 'killer' advantages for me. Now as a 49-year old I'm probably odd in those habits, but how about the kids "growing up" online? What will they expect, books on their gaming consoles?

Forbes has an intersting article on this subject here.

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